

In-house Studio

Our recording space is located in Hay Riad, Rabat, Morocco. It is dotted with wood panel walls in the interior, famed for its warm and rich acoustic, and big enough to hold a large ensemble. The space is also soundproof and acoustically dry, which is perfect for band rehearsals and pre-production. There is also a shared recreational area with tea, coffee and microwave facilities.

Event Videos

Our company provides outstanding event video production services, be they award, or wedding ceremonies, festivals, or conferences, photography, or promotional shoots, publicity, or launch parties, vox pops, or talking heads. Our services include creative development, art direction, full camera crew, post-production editing, sound mixing, colour correction, and 2D/3D animation.

Corporate Training

Our company creates high-impact interactive videos which can be used both for formal training, as well as for performance support. These types of video content appeal to varied learner profiles, and provide higher levels of engagement and interaction that are typically part of any e-Learning or mobile learning course. As a result, training content providers can leverage on the power of video to enhance the learning experience of trainees, who should ultimately meet the required cognition level for better performance.

Interactive videos are a great fit for typical corporate training needs, including: Soft Skills, Leadership training, Product training, Sales training, behavioral change and change management.